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The Current State of Cenopopulations of Some Endemic and Rare Species of the Genus Tulipa L. (Liliaceae) in the Tashkent Region (Uzbekistan)
Arid Ecosystems Pub Date : 2023-08-12 , DOI: 10.1134/s2079096123030034
N. Yu. Beshko , O. S. Abduraimov , U. Kh. Kodirov , F. M. Madaminov , A. V. Mahmudov


The study of the ontogenetic structure of the coenotic populations of vulnerable, endemic, and rare plant species makes it possible to assess their state under the conditions of anthropogenic transformation of ecosystems and develop the scientific basis for their protection. Central Asia is one of the centers of origin and species diversity of the genus Tulipa L. In the flora of the Republic of Uzbekistan, there are 34 species of tulips, of which 19 species (55.88%) are endangered due to the collection of flowers and bulbs and overgrazing and habitat destruction. These are listed in the national Red Book. This article is devoted to the assessment of the current state of 13 coenotic populations of five rare and endemic species of the genus Tulipa (T. borszczowii, T. butkovii, T. dubia, T. greigii, T. korolkowii), growing in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan in areas with different environmental regimes and levels of anthropogenic pressure. It has been established that eight studied cenopopulations are normal and full-membered; five populations are incomplete, they lack senile individuals, which is a biological feature of the genus Tulipa. Six cenopopulations belong to the left-sided type, their ontogenetic spectrum coincides with the characteristic spectrum of the genus Tulipa; four coenopopulations have a centered type of spectrum, while three are bimodal. The low proportion of juveniles in some of the cenopopulations studied is due to the influence of overgrazing, as well as high competition with other species in the community. It is recommended that a rare endemic of the Central Asian deserts be included in the next edition of the Red Book of Uzbekistan Tulipa borszczowii and national endemic, narrow-local endemic of the Chatkal ridge Tulipa butkovii. It is recommended to create a protected area (zakaznik or natural monument) to preserve the relic sandy massif Dalverzinskie sands in the Tashkent region.




对脆弱、特有和稀有植物物种的共生种群的个体发育结构的研究可以评估它们在生态系统人为改造条件下的状态,并为它们的保护提供科学依据。中亚是郁金香属的起源和物种多样性中心之一。乌兹别克斯坦共和国植物区系中有郁金香34种,其中19种(55.88%)因采花而濒临灭绝。球茎植物、过度放牧和栖息地破坏。这些都被列入国家红皮书中。本文致力于评估郁金香属 5 种稀有和特有物种的 13 个共生种群的现状(T. borszczowii、T. butkovii、T. dubia、T. greigii、T. korolkowii),生长在乌兹别克斯坦塔什干地区具有不同环境状况和人为压力水平的地区。已确定八个研究的空心种群是正常且完整的;五个种群不完整,缺乏老年个体,这是郁金香属的生物学特征。6个新种群属于左侧型,其个体发育谱与郁金香属特征谱 一致; 四个群体具有中心类型的光谱,而三个是双峰的。在所研究的一些新种群中,幼体比例较低是由于过度放牧的影响以及与群落中其他物种的高度竞争。建议将中亚沙漠罕见特有种Tulipa borszczowii和国家特有、狭地方特有的Chatkal山脊Tulipa butkovii列入下一版乌兹别克斯坦红皮书。建议建立一个保护区(zakaznik 或天然纪念碑)来保护塔什干地区的 Dalverzinskie 沙地遗迹。
