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Black Women: Keepers of Democracy, the Democratic Process, and the Democratic Party
Politics & Gender ( IF 3.165 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-14 , DOI: 10.1017/s1743923x23000417
Christine Slaughter , Chaya Crowder , Christina Greer

In the United States, Black women have been touted as the saving grace of the Democratic Party. Using data from the 2016 Collaborative Multiracial Post-Election Survey, a cooperative, user-driven data set that provides a large and diverse sample of racial and ethnic groups in the United States, we develop a deeper understanding of the role of partisanship and civic duty in Black women’s support for Hillary Clinton and their political participation. We take an intersectional approach and examine Black women’s politics alongside that of their white female and Black male counterparts. We find that Black women are motivated by civic duty to participate in elections, whereas civic duty does not motivate Black men and white women.



在美国,黑人女性被吹捧为民主党的救星。使用 2016 年合作多种族选举后调查(这是一个用户驱动的合作数据集,提供了美国种族和族裔群体的大量多样化样本)的数据,我们对党派之争和公民义务的作用有了更深入的了解黑人妇女对希拉里·克林顿的支持及其政治参与。我们采取交叉方法,将黑人女性的政治与白人女性和黑人男性同行的政治一起研究。我们发现黑人女性受到公民义务的激励而参与选举,而公民义务并不能激励黑人男性和白人女性。