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Level Set and Optimal Control for the Inverse Inclusion Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography Modeling
International Journal of Computational Methods ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-17 , DOI: 10.1142/s0219876223500202
Abderrahim Charkaoui 1 , Youness El Yazidi 2

In this paper, we address the identification of an unknown inclusion in an elliptic equation, which arises in the context of electrical impedance tomography and multiphase problems. We present a novel approach by formulating the overdetermined system as an optimal design problem based on the unknown inclusion and two state solutions, which is derived from by introducing a least square functional. We establish the existence results and first optimality conditions, and employ the finite element method to discretize the involved variational equations. Furthermore, we update the unknown inclusion using the level-set method. To demonstrate the effectiveness and validity of our proposed algorithm, we investigate simple and complex geometries numerically. Our results showcase the efficiency and accuracy of the method, making it a promising tool for solving similar inverse problems in various engineering applications.



