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Théories littéraires et indéfinition de la littérature : pour une ontologie moindre de la littérature
Neohelicon Pub Date : 2023-08-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s11059-023-00700-1
Jean Bessière

Literary theories do not offer a unitary definition of literature. This led to the conclusion that such a definition is unnecessary. This lack of a unitary definition is here reconsidered according to the basis of these theories: the ontologies of literature they develop, which they imply and which constitute as many unitary definitions of literature. Three strong ontologies are identified: literature viewed as a discourse of Being, of the world; literature approached according to a linguistic ontology; and median ontology of literature, that of deconstruction and related theories. Here is proposed a “lesser ontology,” inseparable from the quaestio that accompanies any literary text, or so said, and an invitation to use the term “medium” of Niklas Luhmann to obtain a unitary definition of literature, of literatures.



