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Long-Term Variations in Parameters of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings According to ERA5 Reanalysis Data
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics Pub Date : 2023-08-17 , DOI: 10.1134/s1024856023040206
O. S. Zorkaltseva , O. Yu. Antokhina , P. N. Antokhin


We present the long-term variations in the parameters of sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) from 1979 to 2021. The zonal mean air temperature at 80° N and zonal mean wind at 60° N at altitudes of 10 hPa are used as a criterion for the SSW estimation. Major and minor SSWs are classified into types, with the splitting of the polar vortex (PV) and with PV displacement. We estimated the variations in such SSW parameters as the number of events per winter, SSW type, SSW duration, onset date, and maximal temperature during SSW over the past 42 years. We found no trend-like changes, but rather the oscillation of these parameters in the high-latitude stratosphere.


根据 ERA5 再分析数据,平流层突然变暖的参数的长期变化


我们提出了 1979 年至 2021 年平流层突然变暖(SSW)参数的长期变化。以海拔 10 hPa 的北纬 80° 纬向平均气温和北纬 60° 纬向平均风为标准SSW 估计。主要和次要南海风暴分为极涡分裂(PV)类型和PV位移类型。我们估计了过去 42 年中每年冬季的事件数量、SSW 类型、SSW 持续时间、爆发日期和 SSW 期间的最高温度等 SSW 参数的变化。我们没有发现类似趋势的变化,而是发现这些参数在高纬度平流层中存在振荡。
