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From the Editor
IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-15 , DOI: 10.1109/mei.2023.10220160
Feipeng Wang 1

As summer gradually gives way to a new season, vibrant colors fill the air, bringing forth a fresh surge of energy and enthusiasm. Universally, September and October hold a special place as they mark the commencement of a new academic year for countless universities and educational institutions. These months carry a significance that extends beyond the classroom, encapsulating the spirit of transformation, growth, and unwavering commitment—qualities that resonate deeply within the realm of electrical insulation. Over the past decades, we have witnessed striking parallels between the dawn of a new academic year and the ever-evolving landscape of electrical insulation. It is imperative to recognize the importance of embracing change and fostering innovation within this field.


