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New User Intent Discovery With Robust Pseudo Label Training and Source Domain Joint Training
IEEE Intelligent Systems ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-08 , DOI: 10.1109/mis.2023.3283909
Wenbin An 1 , Feng Tian 1 , Ping Chen 2 , Qinghua Zheng 1 , Wei Ding 2

Discovering new user intents based on existing intents from constantly incoming unlabeled data is an important task in many intelligent systems deployed in the real world (e.g., dialogue systems). Since data with new intents are completely unlabeled, most current approaches employ clustering methods to generate pseudo labels to train their models. However, due to intent gaps between existing and new intents, pseudo labels generated by these models are noisy, and prior knowledge from existing intents is not fully utilized. To mitigate these issues, we propose a robust pseudo label training and source domain joint-training network to refine the noisy pseudo labels and make full use of prior knowledge. Experimental results on three intent detection datasets show that our model is more effective and robust than state-of-the-art methods. The code and data are released at https://github.com/Lackel/PTJN.


