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Exploring attitudes towards French, English, and code-switching in Manitoba (Canada)
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism ( IF 3.165 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-18 , DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2023.2242562
Maria Rodrigo-Tamarit 1 , Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez 1


This study contributes to the understanding of attitudes towards monolingual and code-switched varieties by examining the perceptions of 95 bilinguals towards Manitoban French, Canadian English and code-switching in Manitoba, a Canadian province where French is a minority language with official federal status. By means of a matched-guise test, we explore French-English bilinguals’ social evaluations of the three linguistic varieties and examine how these social evaluations vary according to participant characteristics (i.e. age, gender, mother tongue, origin, and sociocultural identity). In our experiment, participants listened to a speaker using Manitoban French, Canadian English and code-switching and rated each guise on several solidarity and status traits. Results from the cumulative link mixed effects models reveal that French and English are rated similarly for status. Overall, both French and English elicit feelings of attachment, but a preference towards French emerges among participants born in Manitoba. Code-switching is rated lower than the monolingual varieties in most status and solidarity traits, which indicates that our participants implicitly value linguistic purism. However, results also show that participants born in Manitoba and those with French as their mother tongue ascribe covert prestige to code-switching.




这项研究通过调查 95 名双语者对马尼托巴法语、加拿大英语和马尼托巴省语码转换的看法,有助于了解人们对单语和语码转换品种的态度。马尼托巴省是加拿大的一个省,法语是具有官方联邦地位的少数民族语言。通过配对测试,我们探讨了法英双语者对三种语言变体的社会评价,并研究了这些社会评价如何根据参与者特征(即年龄、性别、母语、出身和社会文化身份)而变化。在我们的实验中,参与者听了一位使用马尼托巴法语、加拿大英语和语码转换的演讲者的演讲,并对每种伪装的几个团结和地位特征进行了评分。累积链接混合效应模型的结果表明,法语和英语的地位评级相似。总体而言,法语和英语都会引起依恋感,但出生于马尼托巴省的参与者更喜欢法语。在大多数地位和团结特征中,语码转换的评分低于单语品种,这表明我们的参与者隐含地重视语言纯粹主义。然而,结果还表明,出生在马尼托巴省和以法语为母语的参与者将隐秘的声望归因于语码转换。这表明我们的参与者隐含地重视语言纯粹主义。然而,结果还表明,出生在马尼托巴省和以法语为母语的参与者将隐秘的声望归因于语码转换。这表明我们的参与者隐含地重视语言纯粹主义。然而,结果还表明,出生在马尼托巴省和以法语为母语的参与者将隐秘的声望归因于语码转换。
