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Analysis of ship trajectory during periodically steady turning in waves
Journal of Marine Science and Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s00773-023-00955-4
Hironori Yasukawa

In this study, ship turning in regular waves is investigated after sufficient time has passed after steering. At that time, the ship reaches the so-called periodic steady turning condition, under which the ship turns periodically with a constant drift in waves. The analytical formulas for the turning trajectory in waves are derived using the Fourier series expansion of the surge velocity, lateral velocity, and yaw rate under periodic steady turning conditions. From the obtained formulas, it is found that the ship turning in waves has the following characteristics. The turning trajectory in waves is deformed by ship drift in proportion to time. The drift velocity and the drift direction during turning are then determined by a combination of the average velocity components and first-order velocity components with the turning frequency. Furthermore, the turning trajectory in waves is composed of periodic circular motions with various frequencies in addition to the drift motion, and it is generally not a perfect circle. As a concrete example, using the derived analytical formulas, the turning trajectory for the KCS model in regular waves is analyzed. For the analysis, two turning trajectories obtained using a simulation method based on a two-time scale concept and a free-running model test are used under the same wave conditions. The reasons for the difference between the two are then clarified analytically.



