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Exponential Stability of Impulsive Neutral Stochastic Functional Differential Equations with Markovian Switching
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s11424-023-1332-8
Ke Xiao , Shuyong Li

The aim of this paper is to the discussion of the exponential stability of a class of impulsive neutral stochastic functional differential equations with Markovian switching. Under the influence of impulsive disturbance, the solution for the system is discontinuous. By using the Razumikhin technique and stochastic analysis approaches, as well as combining the idea of mathematical induction and classification discussion, some sufficient conditions for the pth moment exponential stability and almost exponential stability of the systems are obtained. The stability conclusion is full time-delay. The results show that impulse, the point distance of impulse and Markovain switching affect the stability for the system. Finally, two examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the results proposed.



