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Analytical solutions for transport of organic solutes in multi-layered porous media
Environmental Geotechnics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-11 , DOI: 10.1680/jenge.22.00186
Wenhao Jiang 1, 2, 3 , Shangqi Ge 4 , Chen Feng 1, 2, 3 , Jiangshan Li 1, 3

In this study, analytical solutions for one-dimensional transport of organic solutes in multilayered porous media are developed using the methods of matrix transfer and variable separation, where multiple factors such as advection, diffusion, mechanical dispersion, adsorption, degradation, boundary condition type and change in concentration are systematically incorporated for the first time. Compared with the existing analytical solutions solved by the techniques of integral transformation or Laplace transformation, the approaches adopted in this paper are simpler and have a quicker convergence speed. Also, the proposed analytical solutions are more practical with clear expressions and consideration of multiple factors, which can be applied to various engineering cases such as bottom liner systems at landfills, covering systems of contaminated sediments and vertical barrier systems in contaminated sites. Furthermore, the correctness of the derived analytical solutions is effectively validated by comparison with the experimental results, as well as with the existing analytical solution and a numerical method. Following this, the effects of different factors on the transport process of a single organic solute in a five-layered medium are investigated, and some novel and vital laws are obtained. Overall, this research contributes to appropriate evaluation of the transport behaviours in multilayered porous media.


