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Leaving the Past Behind: Exploring the Adverse Childhood Experiences of Males Detained to a Secure Specialist Deaf Inpatient Mental Health Service
Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice Pub Date : 2023-08-24 , DOI: 10.1080/24732850.2023.2249443
Elanor Lucy Webb 1 , Kevin Baker 2, 3 , Deborah Morris 1, 4 , Zahra Nawab 3 , Benedetta Lupattelli Gencarelli 1 , Jemima Worsfold 1 , Alexander Hamilton 2


Deaf people, and those who engage in criminal offending have independently been identified as groups at risk for childhood trauma, though consideration of their intersectional impact is limited. The adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) of 26 males detained to a deaf secure mental health service were explored. Overall, 92.3% of participants had experienced an ACE. Most participants had experienced multiple adversities (Median = 6), with 73.1% exposed to four or more, and 57.7% exposed to six or more. Most participants (76.9%) had experienced both child maltreatment and household adversity. The most prevalent ACEs were emotional neglect and parental separation (76.9%). Participants who had been subject to a care order reported more child maltreatment ACEs (p = .02). Given the pervasive ACE histories of deaf people in secure mental health services, the integration of trauma-informed practices within an environment that is sensitive and responsive to the complex trauma needs of this population is of paramount importance.




聋哑人和从事刑事犯罪的人已被独立确定为有童年创伤风险的群体,尽管对其交叉影响的考虑有限。对被拘留在聋人安全心理健康服务机构的 26 名男性的不良童年经历 (ACE) 进行了调查。总体而言,92.3% 的参与者经历过 ACE。大多数参与者经历过多种逆境(中位数 = 6),其中 73.1% 经历过 4 次或更多逆境,57.7% 经历过 6 次或更多逆境。大多数参与者(76.9%)都经历过虐待儿童和家庭逆境。最常见的 ACE 是情感忽视和父母分离(76.9%)。接受护理令的参与者报告了更多的儿童虐待 ACE(p = .02)。鉴于聋人在安全的心理健康服务中普遍存在 ACE 历史,将创伤知情实践整合到一个对这一人群复杂的创伤需求敏感和敏感的环境中至关重要。
