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Evictions and psychiatric treatment
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management ( IF 3.917 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-22 , DOI: 10.1002/pam.22522
Ashley C. Bradford 1 , Johanna Catherine Maclean 2

Stable housing is critical for health, employment, education, and other social outcomes. Evictions reflect a form of housing instability that is experienced by millions of Americans each year. Inadequately treated psychiatric disorders have the potential to influence evictions in several ways. For example, these disorders may impede labor market performance and thus the ability to pay rent, or increase the likelihood of risky and/or nuisance behaviors that can lead to a lease violation. We estimate the effect of local access to psychiatric treatment on eviction rates. We combine data on the number of psychiatric treatment centers that offer outpatient and residential care within a county with eviction rates in a two-way fixed-effects framework. Our findings imply that 10 additional psychiatric treatment centers in a county lead to a reduction of 2.1% in the eviction rate.



稳定的住房对于健康、就业、教育和其他社会成果至关重要。驱逐反映了每年数百万美国人经历的一种住房不稳定形式。精神疾病治疗不充分可能会以多种方式影响驱逐。例如,这些障碍可能会阻碍劳动力市场的表现,从而影响支付租金的能力,或者增加可能导致违反租约的危险和/或滋扰行为的可能性。我们评估了当地获得精神病治疗对驱逐率的影响。我们将一个县内提供门诊和住院护理的精神科治疗中心数量的数据与双向固定效应框架中的驱逐率结合起来。我们的研究结果表明,一个县增加 10 个精神治疗中心可导致驱逐率降低 2.1%。