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Recent progress of low-temperature plasma technology in biorefining process
Nano Convergence ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-24 , DOI: 10.1186/s40580-023-00386-2
Lusha Qin 1 , Oi Lun Li 2

In recent years, low-temperature plasma-assisted processes, featuring high reaction efficiency and wide application scope, have emerged as a promising alternative to conventional methods for biomass valorization. It is well established that charged species, chemically energetic molecules and radicals, and highly active photons playing key roles during processing. This review presents the major applications of low-temperature plasma for biomass conversion in terms of (i) pretreatment of biomass, (ii) chemo fractionation of biomass into value-added chemicals, and (iii) synthesis of heterogeneous catalyst for further chemo-catalytic conversion. The pretreatment of biomass is the first and foremost step for biomass upgrading to facilitate raw biomass transformation, which reduces the crystallinity, purification, and delignification. The chemo-catalytic conversion of biomass involves primary reactions to various kinds of target products, such as hydrolysis, hydrogenation, retro-aldol condensation and so on. Finally, recent researches on plasma-assisted chemo-catalysis as well as heterogeneous catalysts fabricated via low-temperature plasma at relatively mild condition were introduced. These catalysts were reported with comparable performance for biomass conversion to other state-of-the-art catalysts prepared using conventional methods.


