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The Lost Art of the Anglo-Saxon World: The Sacred and Secular Power of Embroidery by Alexandra Lester-Makin (review)
Parergon Pub Date : 2023-08-29 , DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2023.a905437
Sarah Randles

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Reviewed by:

  • The Lost Art of the Anglo-Saxon World: The Sacred and Secular Power of Embroidery by Alexandra Lester-Makin
  • Sarah Randles
Lester-Makin, Alexandra, The Lost Art of the Anglo-Saxon World: The Sacred and Secular Power of Embroidery (Ancient Textile Series, 35), Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2019; paperback; pp. xi, 243; 94 b/w illustrations, 32 colour plates; R.R.P. £38.00; ISBN 9781789251449.

In this book, based on her doctoral research, Alexandra Lester-Makin analyses the entire known corpus of early medieval British and Irish embroidery, a task made no less daunting by the fact that this amounts to a total of forty-three pieces. These range from the famed and monumental Bayeux Tapestry to tiny scraps preserved in archaeological contexts, and those examples where the form of the embroidery can only be deduced from impressions in corroded metal. More substantial works discussed include the Maaseik embroideries, those associated with St Cuthbert’s tomb in Durham Cathedral, and the Worcester fragments, as well as the relatively recent Llan-gors find.

The paucity of the extant record can be attributed to the inherent fragility of textiles. Lester-Makin’s first chapter provides a detailed examination of the problems associated with her data set, and includes an informative discussion on the ways that different textile fibres are preserved in specific physical contexts. It becomes clear that these few extant embroideries represent remarkable survivals, whether because of the accidents of soil composition or other physical contexts, or by virtue of their association with saints or other important people.

Yet even some of the most apparently unprepossessing fragments can yield a wealth of information in the hands of an appropriately skilled and attentive investigator. One of this book’s great strengths is its methodology. Lester-Makin is both an archaeologist and an embroiderer, having completed an apprenticeship with the Royal School of Needlework. Her book makes a compelling case for the benefits of experiential learning in the analysis of historical material culture; together with microscopy and high-resolution photography, her detailed examination of the embroideries is informed by her technical knowledge and by stitching experimental samples. As a result, she has been able to identify stitch techniques and reconstruct the order in which pieces have been worked, allowing her to revise and expand upon the work of previous scholars.

Lester-Makin’s use of ‘Object Biography Theory’ proves it to be an effective tool for considering these early medieval embroideries. Importantly, her approach follows the work of Cornelius Holtorf in arguing that the biography of objects should not stop at their archaeological deposition but must also chronicle their life after rediscovery, including the ways that they have been interpreted, conserved, and displayed in subsequent eras. Lester-Makin makes the point that ‘The [End Page 265] fragments that researchers see today are not what people saw—either literally or metaphorically—at the time they were made, used, recycled or deposited’ (p. 27). The benefits of this theoretical approach are demonstrated by a detailed analysis of the Kempton embroidery, a small fragment of embroidery originally contained in a copper alloy box, which was rediscovered in a nineteenth-century excavation, now separated from its container, and stored under a Perspex screen in the British Museum.

Lester-Makin attempts to give an overview of her corpus based on her detailed analysis of the materials, techniques, colour, and preservation circumstances of each piece. As she admits, however, the sparseness of the record and the accidents of survival limit the reliability of the conclusions that can be drawn from this data. For example, the absence of a particular stitch type in the record for a given century should not be understood to mean that it was not practised in this period. The overview also highlights a problem with the title of the book—not all the embroideries that form its subject can reasonably be understood as ‘Anglo-Saxon’ (even aside from issues concerning the accuracy or appropriateness of that term). Including embroideries from Viking Age Dublin, ninth- or tenth-century Wales, and Iron Age Orkney undermines any sense of a distinctive cultural style. A stronger argument also needed to be made for the inclusion of the...


盎格鲁撒克逊世界失落的艺术:刺绣的神圣与世俗力量,亚历山德拉·莱斯特·马金(Alexandra Lester-Makin)(评论)



  • 盎格鲁撒克逊世界失落的艺术:刺绣的神圣与世俗力量作者:亚历山德拉·莱斯特·马金
  • 萨拉·兰德尔斯
莱斯特·马金,亚历山德拉,《盎格鲁撒克逊世界失落的艺术:刺绣的神圣与世俗力量》(古代纺织系列,35),牛津,Oxbow Books,2019;平装; 第十一页,243;94 张黑白插图,32 张彩板;建议零售价 £38.00;国际标准书号 9781789251449。

在这本书中,亚历山德拉·莱斯特·马金 (Alexandra Lester-Makin) 根据她的博士研究,分析了中世纪早期英国和爱尔兰刺绣的整个已知语料库,由于总共有四十三件作品,这项任务也变得同样艰巨。这些范围从著名的、具有纪念意义的贝叶挂毯到考古环境中保存的微小碎片,以及那些只能从腐蚀金属的压痕中推断出刺绣形式的例子。讨论的更实质性的作品包括马塞克刺绣、与达勒姆大教堂圣卡斯伯特墓有关的刺绣、伍斯特碎片以及相对较新的兰戈尔斯发现的作品。



莱斯特-马金对“对象传记理论”的使用证明它是考虑这些中世纪早期刺绣的有效工具。重要的是,她的方法遵循了科尼利厄斯·霍尔托夫(Cornelius Holtorf)的观点,即物品的传记不应停留在考古沉积上,还必须记录它们在重新发现后的生活,包括它们在随后时代被解释、保存和展示的方式。莱斯特-马金 (Lester-Makin) 指出“ [结束页 265]研究人员今天看到的碎片并不是人们在制造、使用、回收或存放时所看到的——无论是字面上还是隐喻上的碎片”(第 27 页)。这种理论方法的好处通过对肯普顿刺绣的详细分析得到了证明,该刺绣是最初包含在铜合金盒子中的一小块刺绣碎片,在十九世纪的一次挖掘中被重新发现,现在与容器分离,并存放在大英博物馆的有机玻璃屏风。

