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Communicating Justice: Cambodian Press Coverage of the eccc’s Final Judgment
International Criminal Law Review Pub Date : 2023-08-28 , DOI: 10.1163/15718123-bja10160
Rosemary Grey 1 , Rachel Killean 1, 2

This article explores Khmer-language media reporting of the final appeal judgment at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (Case 002/02). Media reports are interesting for two reasons. First, as a source of opinions expressed in Cambodia’s official language (Khmer), which often remain beyond purview of international observers. Second, as one of the few sources of information about the eccc available to the Cambodian public now that official Court outreach has largely ceased. Yet, free media is significantly curtailed in Cambodia, and reporting on the eccc is likely to be shaped by what is politically safe to print, as well as what is deemed publicly interesting. Against this backdrop this article explores: the press’s tendency to downplay Cambodian political interference in the eccc proceedings; its (mis)representation of the eccc’s genocide findings; its reporting on the prosecution of sexual and gender-based crimes; and its use of ‘justice for victims’ rhetoric.



本文探讨了高棉语媒体对柬埔寨法院特别法庭最终上诉判决(案件 002/02)的报道。媒体报道之所以有趣有两个原因。首先,作为以柬埔寨官方语言(高棉语)表达的意见来源,这往往超出了国际观察员的视野。其次,由于法院的官方宣传已基本停止,因此作为柬埔寨公众可获得的有关eccc的少数信息来源之一。然而,自由媒体在柬埔寨受到严重限制,对 eccc 的报道可能会受到政治上安全的印刷内容以及公众感兴趣的内容的影响。在此背景下,本文探讨了: 媒体倾向于淡化柬埔寨对eccc诉讼的政治干预;它(错误)表述了欧洲气候委员会的种族灭绝调查结果;关于起诉性犯罪和基于性别的犯罪的报告;及其使用“为受害者伸张正义”的言论。
