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‘Windscheid steht Paulus in nichts nach, und ist dabei für uns viel mehr wert als jener’: Zum Umgang Stanisław Wróblewski’s mit der Pandektistik
The Legal History Review ( IF 0.146 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-25 , DOI: 10.1163/15718190-2023xx09
Ernest C. Bodura


Windscheid is in no way inferior to Paul, and in this he is worth much more to us than Paul’ – on Stanisław Wróblewski’s treatment of Pandectistics. – In his home country Poland Stanisław Wróblewski (1868–1938) is unanimously numbered among the jurists of the first rank in the extant literature on legal historiography. He is considered to be ‘the Polish Roman lawyer about whom the most has been written’. The admiration for Wróblewski’s scholarly oeuvre among Polish authors even goes as far as that he is often referred to as the ‘Polish Papinian’ in local literature. He is appreciated on the one hand for his expertise as a jurist and, on the other hand, for his mastery of the art of legal thought and argumentation, and finally for the depth of his legal analysis. In the context of this contribution, however, only the question of his relationship to the pandectism, including in particular his relationship to the university teaching of modern Roman law (pandect law), will be examined in more detail. Wróblewski is repeatedly associated with pandectism in legal historical literature. After all, he argued in favour of the continuation of Pandect lectures (pandect law), after the year 1900, i.e. even as the great epoch of pandectism was already drawing to a close. For this purpose, four texts from the years 1894 to 1916, in which Wróblewski explicitly addressed the problem of the relationship to pandectism or to modern Roman law (pandect law), will be analyzed in more detail.




温德沙伊德丝毫不逊色于保罗在这一点上,他对我们来说比保罗更有价值”——斯坦尼斯瓦夫·弗罗布勒夫斯基 (Stanisław Wróblewski) 对泛泛论的论述。– 在他的祖国波兰,斯坦尼斯瓦夫·弗罗布勒夫斯基(Stanisław Wróblewski,1868-1938)被一致列为现存法律史学文献中一流的法学家。他被认为是“关于他的著作最多的波兰罗马律师”。波兰作家对弗罗布列夫斯基学术著作的钦佩甚至经常被称为“波兰帕皮尼亚人”’在当地文学中。他受到赞赏一方面是因为他作为律师的专业知识,另一方面是因为他对法律思想和论证艺术的掌握,最后是因为他的法律分析的深度。然而,在本文的背景下,只会更详细地探讨他与泛宗主义的关系问题,特别是他与现代罗马法(泛宗法)大学教学的关系。弗罗布列夫斯基在法律历史文献中多次与泛泛论联系在一起。毕竟,他在 1900 年之后讨论了赞成继续进行 Pandect 讲座(Pandect 法),即即使 Pandectism 的伟大时代已经接近尾声。为此,我们使用了 1894 年至 1916 年的四份文本,
