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Reimagining the neuroscience concept of flow state to combat racism with U.S. born black clients
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling ( IF 1.125 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-30 , DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2023.2196054
Isaac Burt 1


The recent deaths of Black people sparked civil unrest highlighting the vicious impact of systemic racial injustice in the U.S. These incidents are forcing professional counsellors to reexamine and change how the field responds to oppression. Yet, for true transformation to occur, new terms and ideas must emerge. The merging of multiculturalism and neuroscience can be a new paradigm to assist counsellors working with clients facing racial persecution. Towards this goal, I wish to reimagine the neuroscience concept of flow state as a temporary outlook and observation for life sustainability (TOOLS). The premise is that this method can buffer against racism, while simultaneously increasing optimal experience and happiness. While science-backed tools or approaches have substantial merit in the counselling field, they sometimes lack cultural considerations that make them appropriate for diverse clients. By reconceptualising flow state, the hope is to circumvent this issue by creating a culturally responsive model.




