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Collaborative everyday adaptation to deal with peatland fires: a case study on the east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
Ecology and Society ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-01 , DOI: 10.5751/es-14263-280312
Rijal Ramdani , Irmeli Mustalahti

Actors across multiple levels, such as the private sector, national and subnational government institutions, and local communities, are expected to have the capacity to adapt to climate impacts and risks. This study analyzes how collaborative governance has been developed and carried out by multiple actors in everyday life to adapt to peatland fires in a situation where climate change variability drives fire occurrences. The case study research was undertaken on the east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, where the challenge of annual peatland fires has increased in the last 15 years. The qualitative data were collected through participatory observations, face-to-face interviews with 35 key informants, and document analysis conducted in 2020. The research finding shows that structural arrangements, knowledge and learning, and resource sharing are essential dimensions in generating collaborative governance to adapt to peatland fires. Multiple actors in the community case study applied collaborative activities during the three adaptation stages: (1) anticipatory measures, (2) preparedness, and (3) responses through constructing canal blocks, conducting fire patrols, and fighting fires. Those collaborative activities are performed in everyday life and have reduced the potential occurrence of fires and the vulnerability of villagers to peatland fires. The study also highlights the effects of domination when powerful actors are unwilling to collaborate meaningfully with local actors, who sometimes share different interests and hierarchical positions.

The post Collaborative everyday adaptation to deal with peatland fires: a case study on the east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia first appeared on Ecology & Society.



私营部门、国家和地方政府机构以及当地社区等多个层面的参与者预计将有能力适应气候影响和风险。本研究分析了日常生活中多个参与者如何制定和实施协作治理,以适应气候变化多变性导致火灾发生的情况下的泥炭地火灾。该案例研究是在印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛东海岸进行的,过去 15 年来,该地区每年发生泥炭地火灾的风险不断增加。定性数据是通过2020年进行的参与式观察、对35位关键知情人的面对面访谈以及文献分析收集的。研究结果表明,结构安排、知识和学习、和资源共享是形成协作治理以适应泥炭地火灾的重要方面。社区案例研究中的多个参与者在三个适应阶段应用了协作活动:(1) 预期措施,(2) 准备,以及 (3) 通过建造运河区块、进行消防巡逻和灭火来做出反应。这些协作活动在日常生活中进行,减少了潜在的火灾发生和村民遭受泥炭地火灾的脆弱性。该研究还强调了当强大的行为者不愿意与当地行为者进行有意义的合作时,统治的影响,因为当地行为者有时共享不同的利益和等级地位。社区案例研究中的多个参与者在三个适应阶段应用了协作活动:(1) 预期措施,(2) 准备,以及 (3) 通过建造运河区块、进行消防巡逻和灭火来做出反应。这些协作活动在日常生活中进行,减少了潜在的火灾发生和村民遭受泥炭地火灾的脆弱性。该研究还强调了当强大的行为者不愿意与当地行为者进行有意义的合作时,统治的影响,因为当地行为者有时共享不同的利益和等级地位。社区案例研究中的多个参与者在三个适应阶段应用了协作活动:(1) 预期措施,(2) 准备,以及 (3) 通过建造运河区块、进行消防巡逻和灭火来做出反应。这些协作活动在日常生活中进行,减少了潜在的火灾发生和村民遭受泥炭地火灾的脆弱性。该研究还强调了当强大的行为者不愿意与当地行为者进行有意义的合作时,统治的影响,因为当地行为者有时共享不同的利益和等级地位。这些协作活动在日常生活中进行,减少了潜在的火灾发生和村民遭受泥炭地火灾的脆弱性。该研究还强调了当强大的行为者不愿意与当地行为者进行有意义的合作时,统治的影响,因为当地行为者有时共享不同的利益和等级地位。这些协作活动在日常生活中进行,减少了潜在的火灾发生和村民遭受泥炭地火灾的脆弱性。该研究还强调了当强大的行为者不愿意与当地行为者进行有意义的合作时,统治的影响,因为当地行为者有时共享不同的利益和等级地位。

