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Act Local: Climate-Change Policy at the County Level in South Florida
Historical Archaeology Pub Date : 2023-08-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s41636-023-00418-y
Sara Ayers-Rigsby , Rachael Kangas , Michael Savarese , Jeff Ransom

Climate change is at the forefront of local government policy in south Florida. Impacts to archaeological and historical sites, however, are often relegated as a casualty of development as local leaders make decisions about where to place critical infrastructure and develop areas in a sustainable way. While all cultural resources have historical significance, not all levels of significance are equal. Accordingly, counties and other government entities will have to make difficult decisions as they evaluate the need for seawalls and other necessary infrastructure measures that may impact cultural resources. Case studies from Palm Beach, Collier, and Miami-Dade counties describe two prioritization strategies within two different regional compact frameworks. These frameworks each have specific strengths and were devised specifically for resources in their compact areas. This article explores prioritization of threatened archaeological sites, reviews the South Florida Regional Climate Change Compact and other local jurisdictional alliances’ participation in the process, and, finally, considers how prioritization can inform academic research as well as infrastructural improvements.



