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Distinctive Features of Plume Formation on Collision of Two Laminar Gas Jets
Fluid Dynamics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-30 , DOI: 10.1134/s0015462823700076
V. V. Kozlov , Yu. A. Litvinenko , M. M. Katasonov , D. V. Sarychev , A. G. Shmakov


The results of an investigation of the interaction between two colliding axisymmetric laminar microjets of propane-butane mixture with and without diffusion combustion are presented. The gas mixture components flow out through round tubes at the same velocities. In the course of the experiments the lateral position of the tubes with respect to each other was varied with conservation of the angle between them. The distinctive features of the resulting jet formation are established as functions of the transverse position of the tubes. If the tubes lie in the same plane, then the resulting jet is formed in the plane orthogonal to them. This process can be observable in the case of the interaction between the jets both with and without flame. With increase in the jet outflow velocity a region of local discontinuity of the flame front is found to exist.




