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A Technology Licensing Model with Endogenous Timing
Review of Industrial Organization ( IF 1.313 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11151-023-09917-x
Hong-Ren Din , Chia-Hung Sun

Based on a licensing model where a licensor (an innovator) is itself a producer in the product market, this research investigates the endogenous timing of setting a quantity (price) under unit-royalty licensing, fixed-fee licensing, and two-part tariff licensing contracts. We demonstrate that the results of equilibrium timing depend on the various payment terms of a licensing contract as well as the innovation size. For the fixed-fee licensing contract, both firms play a simultaneous game under Cournot competition and play a sequential game under Bertrand competition. In contrast, both firms play a sequential game under Cournot competition and play a simultaneous game under Bertrand competition when the innovator licenses via a unit-royalty licensing contract and the innovation size is relatively large.



