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Monitoring, evaluation and learning requirements for climate-resilient development pathways
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2023.101329
Edward Sparkes , Saskia E. Werners

For today’s decisions to be sustainable, they need to include choices and actions that reduce poverty and improve livelihoods, counteract climate change and are equitable towards the vulnerable. Climate-resilient development pathways are a practice that aims to achieve these goals, enabling decision-makers to identify, consolidate and implement climate action and development decisions towards sustainable development. To date, there is little evidence regarding how the practice can be navigated in real-world situations. Guidance on monitoring, evaluating and learning from experience specifically for climate-resilient development pathways is largely lacking. For this article, we reviewed the literature and held reflexive sessions with experts, synthesising different perspectives to present seven process-based monitoring, evaluation and learning requirements for climate-resilient development pathways. We close with discussing the applicability of the requirements and where further research is needed. In doing so, we address an important but underrepresented topic in the expanding body of literature on climate-resilient development pathways.



