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How UN Counter-Terrorism Sanctions Are Made
Law & Social Inquiry ( IF 1.396 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-04 , DOI: 10.1017/lsi.2023.52
Anton Moiseienko

Gavin Sullivan’s encounter with UN counter-terrorism sanctions began in 2010. Then, as a practicing human rights lawyer, he a wrote a report on the subject, which resulted in him being in touch with several Tunisian men in France who found themselves on a sanctions list: This experience of working closely with listed individuals on these cases helped me see first-hand how unjust this regime of preemptive security governance is. People were being targeted on what appeared to be little or no grounds at all. And the consequences of being listed are incredibly severe. (4)



加文·沙利文 (Gavin Sullivan) 遭遇联合国反恐制裁始于 2010 年。随后,作为一名执业人权律师,他就此主题撰写了一份报告,这使他与几名身在法国的突尼斯男子取得了联系,他们发现自己受到了制裁列表:与名单上的个人就这些案件密切合作的经历让我亲眼目睹了这种先发制人的安全治理制度是多么不公正。人们似乎没有任何理由成为攻击目标。而被列入名单的后果是极其严重的。(4)