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Transorbital Microsurgery: An Anatomical Description of a Minimally Invasive Corridor to the Anterior Cranial Fossa and Paramedian Structures
Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-04 , DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1772202
Lena Mary Houlihan 1 , Thanapong Loymak 1 , Irakliy Abramov 1 , Mohamed A. Labib 1 , Michael G. J. O'Sullivan 2 , Michael T. Lawton 1 , Mark C. Preul 1

Objectives Transorbital neuroendoscopic surgery (TONES) has ignited interest in the transorbital access corridor, increasing its use for single and multi-portal skull base interventions. However, the crowding of a small corridor and two-dimensional viewing restrict this access portal.

Design Cadaveric qualitative study to assess the feasibility of transorbital microsurgery (TMS).

Setting Anatomical dissection steps and instrumentation were recorded for homogeneous methodology.

Participants Six cadaveric specimens were systematically dissected using TMS to the anterior cranial fossa and paramedian structures.

Main Outcome Measures Anatomical parameters of the TMS craniectomy were established, and the visible and accessible neuroanatomy was highlighted.

Results A superior lid crease incision achieved essential orbital rim exposure and preseptal dissection. The orbital roof craniectomy is defined by three boundaries: (1) frontozygomatic suture to the frontosphenoid suture, (2) frontal sinus and cribriform plate, and (3) frontal sinus and orbital rim. The mean (standard deviation) craniectomy was 440 mm2 (78 mm2). Exposing the ipsilateral optic nerve and internal carotid artery obviated the need for frontal lobe retraction to identify the A1–M1 bifurcation as well as near-complete visualization of the M1 artery.

Conclusion TMS is a feasible corridor for intracranial access. Mobilization of orbital contents is imperative for maximal intracranial access and protection of the globe. TMS enables access to the frontal lobe base, ipsilateral optic nerve, and most of the ipsilateral anterior circulation. This cosmetically satisfactory approach causes minimal destruction of the anterior skull base with satisfactory exposure of the anterior cranial fossa floor without sinus invasion.



目的 经眼眶神经内窥镜手术 (TONES) 引起了人们对经眼眶通路的兴趣,增加了其在单孔和多孔颅底介入治疗中的应用。然而,小走廊的拥挤和二维观看限制了这个入口。

设计 尸体定性研究以评估经眼眶显微手术 (TMS) 的可行性。

设置 解剖解剖步骤和仪器被记录以用于同质方法。

参与者 使用 TMS 对六具尸体标本的前颅窝和旁正中结构进行系统解剖。

主要结果指标 建立了 TMS 颅骨切除术的解剖参数,并强调了可见且可接近的神经解剖结构。

结果 上眼睑折痕切口实现了必要的眼眶边缘暴露和隔膜前解剖。眶顶颅骨切除术由三个边界定义:(1)额颧缝至额蝶骨缝,(2)额窦和筛板,以及(3)额窦和眶缘。平均(标准差)颅骨切除术为 440 mm 2 (78 mm 2 )。暴露同侧视神经和颈内动脉,无需牵拉额叶来识别 A1-M1 分叉以及几乎完全可视化 M1 动脉。

结论 TMS 是一条可行的颅内通路通道。眼眶内容物的动员对于最大程度地进入颅内和保护眼球至关重要。TMS 能够进入额叶基底、同侧视神经和大部分同侧前循环。这种美观令人满意的方法对前颅底的破坏最小,前颅窝底的暴露令人满意,而没有窦侵犯。
