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Simulating Our Way to Safer Software: A Tale of Integrating Microarchitecture Simulation and Leakage Estimation Modeling
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-10 , DOI: 10.1109/lca.2023.3303913
Justin Feng 1 , Fatemeh Arkannezhad 1 , Christopher Ryu 1 , Enoch Huang 1 , Siddhant Gupta 1 , Nader Sehatbakhsh 1

An important step to protect software against side-channel vulnerability is to rigorously evaluate it on the target hardware using standard leakage tests. Recently, leakage estimation tools have received a lot of attention to improve this time-consuming process. Despite their advancements, existing tools often neglect the impact of microarchitecture and its underlying events in their leakage model which leads to inaccuracies. This paper takes the first step in addressing these issues by integrating a physical side-channel leakage estimation tool into a microarchitectural simulator. To achieve this, we first systematically explore the impact of various architecture and microarchitecture activities and their underlying interactions on the produced physical side-channel signals and integrate that into the microarchitecture model. Second, to create a comprehensive leakage estimation report, we leverage taint tracking and symbolic execution to accurately analyze different paths and inputs. The final outcome of this work is a tool that takes a binary and generates a leakage report that covers architecture and microarchitecture-related leakages for both data-dependent and path-dependent information leakage scenarios.


