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From cross-border banditry to insurgency in the Lake Chad region: response, collaboration and conflicting interest of Lake Chad region states
Security Journal ( IF 1.701 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-05 , DOI: 10.1057/s41284-023-00398-x
Aloysius-Michaels Okolie , Casmir Chukwuka Mbaegbu , Ikemefuna Sunday Nwoke , Saheed Babajide Owonikoko

The security challenges posed by Boko Haram and its breakaway factions in the riparian states of Lake Chad have attracted plethora of academic inquiries. Comparatively less attention has been paid to the relationship between the national economic interests of the riparian states (Lake Chad oil, fish, etc.) and adopted strategies for dealing with the challenges posed by these terrorist groups. Practically, regional organizations and national governments have evolved different strategies to counter the perennial security threats and hence stabilize the region for intra- and inter-state movements, trades and development with little success. The study argued that historical antecedents among states in the Lake Chad region which appear to institutionalize centrifugal social relations and conflicting economic interests in a security-threatened region that lacked durable security interdependence feed into sustenance of Boko Haram and subsequently undermine counterinsurgency operations. Data collection was based on survey method and complemented by documentary evidence based on secondary sources. The study found out that insurgency will persist unless appropriate security infrastructure is emplaced to promote patterns of amity and economic interdependence that will entrench deeply rooted and durable security architecture in the region.



