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Heidegger’s Worldview – Freedom, Control and Affectivity
Human Studies ( IF 0.431 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10746-023-09686-2
Beatrix Susanne Lepis

The tendency of individuals to protect their own worldview by rejecting information and phenomena that cannot be reconciled with it is a significant issue in today’s polarised society. This paper aims to gain a deeper insight into this tendency towards exclusion and the impact it has on worldview by examining a particular interpretation of worldview developed in the late 1930s by Martin Heidegger. It is a radical account that portrays a highly restrictive and extremely closed-off model of worldview, within which exclusion plays a key role. The impact of this exclusion on the nature and shape of worldview is explored by analysing worldview from three distinct perspectives focusing on (1) its appearance, marked by freedom and safety, (2) its inner dynamic, marked by absolute control, and (3) its affective background, marked by frantic struggle and dread. The analysis reveals a dread-fuelled, highly reactionary, and thus extremely fragile structure that is fundamentally shaped by the endless effort to conceal the exclusion on which it is built, resulting in a complete inability to engage with that which is excluded without severely endangering the very existence of that worldview.



个人倾向于通过拒绝与其不相符的信息和现象来保护自己的世界观,这是当今两极分化社会中的一个重要问题。本文旨在通过研究马丁·海德格尔在 20 世纪 30 年代末提出的对世界观的特定解释,更深入地了解这种排斥倾向及其对世界观的影响。这是一种激进的描述,描绘了一种高度限制性和极其封闭的世界观模式,其中排斥起着关键作用。通过从三个不同的角度分析世界观,探讨了这种排斥对世界观的本质和形态的影响,重点关注(1)以自由和安全为标志的外观,(2)以绝对控制为标志的内在动力,以及(3) )其情感背景,以疯狂的挣扎和恐惧为特征。分析揭示了一种充满恐惧的、高度反动的、因此极其脆弱的结构,从根本上说,它是由无休止的努力掩盖其所建立的排斥而形成的,导致完全无法在不严重危害社会的情况下与被排斥的事物打交道。这种世界观的存在。
