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Public stigma toward women victims of intimate partner violence: A systematic review
Aggression and Violent Behavior ( IF 4.874 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2023.101877
Lara Murvartian , Francisco Javier Saavedra-Macías , Jennifer J. Infanti

Public stigma toward women victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) undermines their recovery. However, research on this topic is still recent. This systematic review aimed to analyze the way this stigma was studied, findings from the literature related to or describing public stigmatization that contributed to understanding how it works and existing interventions and recommendations to combat stigma. Searches for peer-reviewed articles published between 2010 and 2021 were conducted in six databases. The articles selected were limited to empirical studies in English, in which participants resided in high-income countries and providing results on IPV public stigma. A total of 29 articles were included. Stigma was normally not the primary focus of the studies, most articles did not draw upon any stigma theoretical model to contextualize their findings and qualitative methodologies predominated. We summarized a series of themes regarding stigma functioning: social norms and perceptions, public stigmatizing reactions and its consequences for victims. Factors such as ethnicity increased or decreased the stigma. Not disclosing the abuse and not looking for help were the most frequently mentioned consequences. Only one intervention and a few strategies to reduce the stigma were identified. Implication of these findings for research and practice were discussed.



公众对亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 女性受害者的耻辱阻碍了她们的康复。然而,关于这个主题的研究仍然是最近的。本系统综述旨在分析这种污名化的研究方式、与公众污名化相关或描述公共污名化的文献中的发现,这些发现有助于理解其运作方式以及现有的打击污名化的干预措施和建议。在六个数据库中对 2010 年至 2021 年间发表的同行评审文章进行了搜索。所选文章仅限于英文实证研究,其中参与者居住在高收入国家,并提供有关 IPV 公众耻辱的结果。共收录文章29篇。耻辱通常不是研究的主要焦点,大多数文章没有利用任何耻辱理论模型来说明他们的发现和占主导地位的定性方法。我们总结了一系列有关污名化功能的主题:社会规范和观念、公众污名化反应及其对受害者的后果。种族等因素会增加或减少耻辱感。不披露虐待行为和不寻求帮助是最常提到的后果。仅确定了一种干预措施和一些减少耻辱的策略。讨论了这些发现对研究和实践的影响。种族等因素会增加或减少耻辱感。不披露虐待行为和不寻求帮助是最常提到的后果。仅确定了一种干预措施和一些减少耻辱的策略。讨论了这些发现对研究和实践的影响。种族等因素会增加或减少耻辱感。不披露虐待行为和不寻求帮助是最常提到的后果。仅确定了一种干预措施和一些减少耻辱的策略。讨论了这些发现对研究和实践的影响。
