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“Walking between the raindrops”: The hybrid and Intersecting Identities of Arab women with a PhD in Israel
International Journal of Intercultural Relations ( IF 2.938 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101875
Adi Binhas

This study examines Palestinian-Arab women with a PhD in Israel. Arabs represent about one-fifth of the country’s population, and despite significant modernization, Arab society remains largely conservative. The study relies on gender and ethnic identity development theories, as well as intersectionality theory. Based on interviews with Arab women who combine an academic career with family life, the findings highlight the barriers they have overcome, as well as opportunities that have promoted their career. It concludes that despite barriers that impede women’s progress, particularly in conservative societies, Arab women academics have realized their ambitions and become role models.



