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Adapting the Flipped Classroom Model to a Design Course in Online Learning Environments: A Case Study
The International Journal of Art & Design Education ( IF 0.813 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-07 , DOI: 10.1111/jade.12481
Omer Kocak

This study aimed to investigate the views of students enrolled on a desktop publishing course of the flipped classroom model adapted to a design course conducted in an online learning environment. The model was implemented over one semester, and at the end, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 65 volunteer students. Content analysis was used to analyse the students' views. It was determined that delivering course content through instructor-created videos had a positive effect on student views of the course. In addition, the students stated that doing assignments outside the classroom and evaluating them during the course contributed significantly to their learning design. Finally, student views on the feasibility of conducting the course through traditional design teaching methods in an online learning environment were examined. The students stated that delivering the course in live online classes may have both positive and negative aspects.



本研究旨在调查参加桌面出版课程的学生对翻转课堂模式的看法,该模式适用于在线学习环境中进行的设计课程。该模型实施了一个学期,最后对 65 名志愿者学生进行了半结构化访谈。内容分析用于分析学生的观点。经确定,通过教师制作的视频提供课程内容对学生对课程的看法有积极的影响。此外,学生们表示,在课堂外做作业并在课程中对其进行评估对他们的学习设计有很大帮助。最后,考察了学生对在线学习环境中通过传统设计教学方法进行课程的可行性的看法。学生们表示,通过在线直播课程授课可能既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。