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The dynamics of sustainability transitions: An archetype for transformation
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2023.100767
Lawrence Gottschamer , Jeffrey P. Walters

Significant global sustainability challenges include among others, energy, climate, and sanitation. Previous Sustainability Transition research has attempted to understand transformation complexity and interdependence, primarily through single-case methodological studies or large-scale analytical frameworks such as the Multi-Level Perspective. This leaves a knowledge gap on common dynamics underlying transition processes and emergent behaviors. To fill this gap, we conducted a cross-sectoral analysis of five system dynamics sustainability transition models with the objective of finding a common system archetype. An archetype emerged from a multi-step, mixed method structural analysis of these models. The extracted archetype captures generalizable sustainable transition dynamics across a diversity of research domains and temporal scales. The structural drivers of sustainability transitions within this archetype are used to discuss future research and practice that seeks to provide insight on common transition dynamics, deeper clarity on leverage points capable of managing transitions, and a framework for subsequent transition modeling archetype analyses.



