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Hepatic involvement in childhood dengue infection
Egyptian Liver Journal Pub Date : 2023-09-08 , DOI: 10.1186/s43066-023-00281-9
Rubaiyat Alam , Md. Rukunuzzaman , Khan Lamia Nahid

Dengue or breakbone fever is one of the most important causes of febrile illness in children residing in tropical and subtropical regions. This mosquito-borne viral disease is mediated by the bite of the infected Aedes mosquito. Dengue infection has been expanding rapidly throughout the globe in the past few decades. The virus has hepatotoxic effects. However, the pathophysiology of liver involvement in dengue is still not entirely clear. The reported clinical spectrum of dengue hepatitis ranges from mild asymptomatic elevation in transaminaselevels to acute liver failure in children. This review focuses on hepatic manifestation, the pathogenesis of liver injury, and treatment option of the effects of dengue on the liver in the pediatric population.


