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Dynamic analysis of drillship under extreme metocean hurricane condition in ultra-deep water
Journal of Marine Science and Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s00773-023-00957-2
Srinivasan Chandrasekaran , Rajiv Sharma , N. Muthu Selvakumar

Drillships are used for exploratory drilling operations in a water depth above 3000 m. Design variants in the new-generation drillships include flexible internal storage and payload capacity. While their operations are quite satisfactory in moderate weather conditions, response under metocean hurricane conditions to preserve operation versatility poses challenges. The design and operation of drillships, which are intricate and domain-specialized vessels, need attention. This study examines the motion characteristics of a drillship for different sea states and environmental conditions. Their stability across critical sea states is also assessed. Based on the numerical studies, it is seen that they experience a modest degree of instability due to excessive roll and pitch under extreme environmental loads. While preliminary checks under mild heave motion showed that the coupled heave–pitch motion dominates the design shear and longitudinal bending, they are critically influenced by the pitch motion. The forces of second-order steady drift in the far field and the near field are compared in the frequency domain. This study identifies parameters that influence its strength and stability, and the results are useful for improving the operational safety and reliability of drillships under challenging offshore conditions.



