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Individual life insurance during epidemics
Annals of Actuarial Science Pub Date : 2023-09-13 , DOI: 10.1017/s1748499523000209
Laura Francis , Mogens Steffensen

The coronavirus pandemic has created a new awareness of epidemics, and insurance companies have been reminded to consider the risk related to infectious diseases. This paper extends the traditional multi-state models to include epidemic effects. The main idea is to specify the transition intensities in a Markov model such that the impact of contagion is explicitly present in the same way as in epidemiological models. Since we can study the Markov model with contagious effects at an individual level, we consider individual risk and reserves relating to insurance products, conforming with the standard multi-state approach in life insurance mathematics. We compare our notions with other but related notions in the literature and perform numerical illustrations.



