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Shape-controlled synthesis of metal nanocrystals: mind the surface heterogeneity
Trends in Chemistry ( IF 15.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trechm.2023.08.004
Quynh N. Nguyen , Ruhui Chen , Younan Xia

Shape-controlled metal nanocrystals have attracted growing interest due to their enhanced catalytic performance, cost-efficiency, and well-defined features for mechanistic investigations. However, the ultimate potential of these nanocrystals is limited by their surface heterogeneity. This review delves into the intricacies of surface heterogeneity, examining its role in dictating the sites for atom deposition and thereby the growth pattern of metal nanocrystals during colloidal synthesis. We also highlight the critical role of surface diffusion in preserving or overriding the impacts of surface heterogeneity, alongside the dynamic nature of surface structure throughout nanocrystal growth. Understanding and controlling the surface heterogeneity of nanocrystals are essential to the development of advanced catalytic materials.



