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Biomimetic and bioorthogonal nanozymes for biomedical applications
Nano Convergence ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-11 , DOI: 10.1186/s40580-023-00390-6
Changjoon Keum 1 , Cristina-Maria Hirschbiegel 2 , Soham Chakraborty 2 , Soyeong Jin 1, 3 , Youngdo Jeong 1, 4, 5 , Vincent M Rotello 2

Nanozymes mimic the function of enzymes, which drive essential intracellular chemical reactions that govern biological processes. They efficiently generate or degrade specific biomolecules that can initiate or inhibit biological processes, regulating cellular behaviors. Two approaches for utilizing nanozymes in intracellular chemistry have been reported. Biomimetic catalysis replicates the identical reactions of natural enzymes, and bioorthogonal catalysis enables chemistries inaccessible in cells. Various nanozymes based on nanomaterials and catalytic metals are employed to attain intended specific catalysis in cells either to mimic the enzymatic mechanism and kinetics or expand inaccessible chemistries. Each nanozyme approach has its own intrinsic advantages and limitations, making them complementary for diverse and specific applications. This review summarizes the strategies for intracellular catalysis and applications of biomimetic and bioorthogonal nanozymes, including a discussion of their limitations and future research directions.


