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The re-emerging suicide crisis in the U.S.: Patterns, causes and solutions
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management ( IF 3.917 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-13 , DOI: 10.1002/pam.22526
Dave E. Marcotte 1 , Benjamin Hansen 2

The suicide rate in the United States has risen nearly 40% since 2000. This increase is puzzling because suicide rates had been falling for decades at the end of the 20th century. In this paper, we review important facts about the changing rate of suicide. General trends do not tell the story of important differences across groups—suicide rates rose substantially among middle-aged persons between 2005 and 2015 but have fallen since. Among young people, suicide rates began a rapid rise after 2010 that has not abated. We review empirical evidence to assess potential causes for recent changes in suicide rates. The economic hardship caused by the Great Recession played an important role in rising suicide among prime-aged Americans. Among those under 25, nearly all the increase in suicide mortality during the 2010s can be explained by an increase in the prevalence of depression. Bullying victimization of LGBTQ youth could also account for part of the rise in suicide. The evidence that access to firearms or opioids are major drivers of recent suicide trends is less clear. We end by summarizing evidence on the most promising policies to reduce suicide mortality.



自2000年以来,美国的自杀率上升了近40%。这种上升令人费解,因为自杀率在20世纪末的几十年里一直在下降。在本文中,我们回顾了有关自杀率变化的重要事实。总体趋势并不能说明不同群体间的重要差异——2005 年至 2015 年间,中年人的自杀率大幅上升,但此后有所下降。在年轻人中,自杀率在2010年之后开始快速上升,并且至今没有下降。我们回顾经验证据来评估近期自杀率变化的潜在原因。大衰退造成的经济困难在美国壮年自杀率上升中发挥了重要作用。在 25 岁以下人群中,2010 年代自杀死亡率的增加几乎全部可以用抑郁症患病率的增加来解释。 LGBTQ 青少年遭受欺凌也可能是自杀率上升的部分原因。获得枪支或阿片类药物是近期自杀趋势主要驱动因素的证据尚不清楚。最后,我们总结了有关降低自杀死亡率的最有希望的政策的证据。