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Toward an ecological model of language: from cognitive linguistics to ecological semantics
Language Sciences ( IF 0.816 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.langsci.2023.101582
Takuya Inoue

The ecological perspective of language has gained prominence in linguistics over the past two decades. Since its anti-representationalist and anti-cognitivist stance, the ecological approach faces a challenge in reconciling with modern linguistic theories: While the ecological approach focuses on the dynamic aspects of language, it has been criticized for needing help to account for stable linguistic meaning. To address this issue, Cognitive Linguistics is the best candidate for giving an ecological account of static meaning. Also, I introduce the concept of design to establish the ecological model of language and demonstrate how this model can describe linguistic meaning within an ecological framework. Cognitive Linguistics develops into the ecological theory of meaning through these steps, namely ecological semantics.



