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The skin mycobiome and intermicrobial interactions in the cutaneous niche
Current Opinion in Microbiology ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mib.2023.102381
Meret Tuor 1 , Salomé LeibundGut-Landmann 1

Mammalian microbiomes have coevolved with their host to establish a stable homeostatic relationship. Multifaceted commensal-host and commensal–commensal interactions contribute to the maintenance of the equilibrium with an impact on diverse host physiological processes. Despite constant exposure to physical and chemical insults from the environment, the skin harbors a surprisingly stable microbiome. The fungal compartment of the skin microbiome, the skin mycobiome, is unique in that it is dominated by a single fungus, Malassezia. The lack in diversity suggests that the skin may provide a unique niche for this fungal genus and that Malassezia may efficiently outcompete other fungi from the skin. This opinion article examines aspects in support of this hypothesis, discusses how changes in niche conditions associate with skin mycobiome dysregulation, and highlights an emerging example of Malassezia being displaced from the skin by the emerging fungal pathogen C. auris, thereby generating a predisposing situation for fatal-invasive infection.



