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The Parkinson’s disease-associated mutation LRRK2 G2385R alters mitochondrial biogenesis via the PGC-1α-TFAM pathway
Mitochondrion ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2023.09.002
Jian Xue 1 , Jinbao Zhang 2 , Jinru Zhang 3 , Junyi Liu 4 , Fen Wang 5 , Kai Li 3 , Chunfeng Liu 2

Mutations in the Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene are the most frequent cause of familial Parkinson’s disease (PD). Although LRRK2 has been extensively studied, the pathogenic mechanism of the LRRK2 G2385R mutation, which is most common in Asian populations, especially in the Chinese Han population, remains unclear. In this study, we demonstrated that the LRRK2 G2385R mutation in HEK293T cells led to a reduction in cellular PGC-1α protein expression and inhibition of mitochondrial biogenesis through the PGC-1α-TFAM pathway. This resulted in a decrease in mitochondrial genome expression, which in turn impaired the normal electron transfer process of the oxidative phosphorylation respiratory chain, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and onset of apoptosis. The mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis caused by the LRRK2 G2385R mutation were significantly alleviated by antioxidant Idebenone, which provides a theoretical basis for the subsequent development of precise treatment specifically for PD patients with LRRK2 G2385R mutation. Further validation of our findings in neurons and animal models are necessary.
