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Lake Superior Manoomin cultural and ecosystem characterization study
Ecology and Society ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-01 , DOI: 10.5751/es-13763-280317
Heather Hosterman , Kaylene Ritter , Nancy Schuldt , Darren Vogt , Deanna Erickson , Olivia Griot , Erin Johnston , Karena Schmidt , Evelyn Ravindran , Roger LaBine , Eric Chapman, Sr. , William Graveen , Deidre Peroff , Jimmy Taitano Camacho , Sarah Dance , Brandon Krumwiede , Heather Stirratt

Manoomin, wild rice, is integral to the culture, livelihood, and identity of the Anishinaabeg, the indigenous peoples of Canada and the United States that include the Odawa, Ojibwe, Potawatomi, and Algonquin peoples. In addition to the vital role Manoomin has in the lives of the Anishinaabeg, Manoomin is recognized as being ecologically important, feeding migrating and resident wildlife species, providing a nursery for fish and nesting and breeding habitats for many waterfowl and muskrat, and stabilizing shorelines. This study was initiated by a team of Lake Superior basin Anishinaabe communities and federal and state agencies to document and characterize (1) the importance of Manoomin habitat to Anishinaabe cultural perspectives and identity, community connections, spiritual practices, food sovereignty, and food security; and (2) the ecological importance of Manoomin habitat as an indicator of a high-quality, high-functioning, and biodiverse ecosystem. The team applied a set of cultural and ecological metrics to characterize seven case study sites around Lake Superior and used a habitat equivalency analysis to determine the amount of restoration needed to counterbalance the lost Manoomin habitat functionality. Results from this study highlight the difficulty in restoring the cultural and ecological functionality of degraded Manoomin habitat and the importance of preserving and protecting existing Manoomin habitat.

The post Lake Superior Manoomin cultural and ecosystem characterization study first appeared on Ecology & Society.



Manoomin(野生稻)是 Anishinaabeg 的文化、生计和身份不可或缺的一部分,Anishinaabeg 是加拿大和美国的土著人民,包括奥达瓦人、奥及布威人、波塔瓦托米人和阿尔冈昆人。马努明除了在阿尼什纳贝格人的生活中发挥着重要作用外,还被认为具有重要的生态意义,可以喂养迁徙和常住野生动物物种,为鱼类提供苗圃,为许多水禽和麝香鼠提供筑巢和繁殖栖息地,并稳定海岸线。这项研究由苏必利尔湖盆地 Anishinaabe 社区以及联邦和州机构的团队发起,旨在记录和描述 (1) 马努明栖息地对 Anishinaabe 文化观点和身份、社区联系、精神实践、粮食主权、和粮食安全;(2) 马努明栖息地作为高质量、高功能和生物多样性生态系统指标的生态重要性。该团队应用了一套文化和生态指标来描述苏必利尔湖周围的七个案例研究地点,并使用栖息地等效分析来确定平衡失去的马努明栖息地功能所需的恢复量。这项研究的结果强调了恢复退化的马努明栖息地的文化和生态功能的困难以及保存和保护现有马努明栖息地的重要性。该团队应用了一套文化和生态指标来描述苏必利尔湖周围的七个案例研究地点,并使用栖息地等效分析来确定平衡失去的马努明栖息地功能所需的恢复量。这项研究的结果强调了恢复退化的马努明栖息地的文化和生态功能的困难以及保存和保护现有马努明栖息地的重要性。该团队应用了一套文化和生态指标来描述苏必利尔湖周围的七个案例研究地点,并使用栖息地等效分析来确定平衡失去的马努明栖息地功能所需的恢复量。这项研究的结果强调了恢复退化的马努明栖息地的文化和生态功能的困难以及保存和保护现有马努明栖息地的重要性。

