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Compartmentalised diplomacy in the United Nations Security Council: breaking the impasse
Journal of International Relations and Development ( IF 1.333 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-15 , DOI: 10.1057/s41268-023-00309-y
Thomas Dörfler

This article explores how compartmentalised diplomacy, defined as the compartmentalisation of a comprehensive set of previously linked issues into separate but gradually and substantively expanding issues, helps forge an agreement on contested issues among member states in the United Nations Security Council. Based on a strategic bargaining framework, the article argues that subtracting issues from a comprehensive negotiation serves to create compartmentalised issues disassociated from other issues negotiated in the same context. Once an issue is separated, Council members may exploit a ratchet effect to expand a subtracted issue beyond what veto players initially may have preferred. Based on documentation by the non-profit organisation Security Council Report and news sources, an in-depth case study of Security Council action regarding Syria demonstrates how compartmentalised diplomacy helps Security Council members to forge landmark agreements on several contentious issues, even if members chiefly disagree on other issues. For comparative leverage and to assess the limits of the proposed mechanism, the analysis is briefly extended to other high-profile cases discussed in the Security Council (Sudan and Ukraine). The findings have implications for this essential tool of the Security Council to react to threats to peace.



