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Eimeria granulosa causes spots visible through the serous membrane of small intestine in sheep
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2023.111595
Yuanyuan Chen 1 , Jing Liu 2 , Xiaolei Liu 3 , Qiaocheng Chang 4 , Xiaoxiao Ma 3 , Qinwei Xu 5

Coccidiosis, also known as Eimeriosis, is a highly prevalent parasitic disease affecting sheep in nearly all sheep-rearing nations across the globe. Currently, there is a scarcity of literature documenting the specific lesions in sheep resulting from coccidia infection. This study aimed to investigate these characteristic lesions through necropsy, microscopic observation, and molecular biological techniques. As a result, Eimeria granulosa was identified as the causative agent, which induced distinct pathological alterations in the small intestine of lambs as observed during necropsy. Notably, E. granulosa manifested as small scattered petechiae and white spots, visible through the serous membrane of the small intestine, akin to the pathology observed in E. necatrix. Therefore, this study provides valuable insights for the accurate diagnosis of coccidiosis in sheep.



