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Decoding the gendered design and (dis)affordances of face-editing technologies in China
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103149
Xinyuan Luo , Renwen Zhang

AI-powered face-editing technologies, such as face filters and beauty apps, are widely used for appearance enhancement. However, such tools often perpetuate rigid beauty standards, thereby risking the reinforcement of harmful gender norms. While prior research primarily focuses on the experiences of female users of face-editing technologies, this study scrutinizes their impact on male users. We examine the gendered design of face-editing tools through a feature analysis of a set of Chinese beauty apps (Study 1), followed by interviews with 30 male users to understand their perceptions and experiences regarding these apps (Study 2). Our findings reveal that beauty apps potentially obstruct male users' efforts in appearance enhancement and embody hegemonic masculinity. To overcome the disaffordances of beauty apps, male users employed various strategies, including manual editing, self-censorship, and social validation. Drawing on these findings, we propose recommendations for more inclusive, gender-sensitive design in face-editing technologies.
