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The Challenges and Opportunities for Mental Health Twin Research in Nigeria
Behavior Genetics ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10519-023-10153-y
Olakunle Ayokunmi Oginni 1, 2, 3 , Ayoyinka Ayorinde 2 , Kehinde Dorcas Ayodele 2 , Onyedikachi Joseph Opara 1 , Boladale Mapayi 1, 2 , Kolawole Mosaku 1, 2

The recent interest in increasing diversity in genetic research can be useful in uncovering novel insights into the genetic architecture of mental health disorders – globally and in previously unexplored settings such as low- and middle-income settings like Nigeria. Genetic research into mental health is potentially promising in Nigeria and we reflect on the challenges and opportunities for twin research which may be particularly suited to Nigeria. The higher rates of twinning in Africa and Nigeria specifically, make the twin design an affordable and readily maintainable approach for genetic research in the country. Despite potential challenges with recruitment, data collection, data analysis and dissemination; the success of current efforts suggest that the twin design can tapped even further for greater impact in the country. We highlight some ways in which the scope of twin research can be increased and suggest some ways in which existing challenges can be overcome including recent Patient Participant Involve and Engagement activities.



