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Structural insights of cell wall integrity signaling during development and immunity
Current Opinion in Plant Biology ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pbi.2023.102455
Hyun Kyung Lee 1 , Julia Santiago 1

A communication system between plant cells and their surrounding cell wall is required to coordinate development, immunity, and the integration of environmental cues. This communication network is facilitated by a large pool of membrane- and cell-wall-anchored proteins that can potentially interact with the matrix or its fragments, promoting cell wall patterning or eliciting cellular responses that may lead to changes in the architecture and chemistry of the wall. A mechanistic understanding of how these receptors and cell wall proteins recognize and interact with cell wall epitopes would be key to a better understanding of all plant processes that require cell wall remodeling such as expansion, morphogenesis, and defense responses. This review focuses on the latest developments in structurally and biochemically characterized receptors and protein complexes implicated in reading and regulating cell wall integrity and immunity.



