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Design and Construction of Metrological Equipment for Torque Sensors with a Carbon-based Measuring Arm
Measurement Science Review ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-21 , DOI: 10.2478/msr-2023-0021
Ľuboš Kučera 1 , Tomáš Gajdošík 1 , Igor Gajdáč 1 , Lukáš Pompáš 1 , Lukáš Smetanka 1 , Viktor Witkovský 2 , Gejza Wimmer 3

The paper presents a comprehensive design of metrological equipment for torque sensor verification and calibration, detailing the process from conception to construction and highlighting the specifics of the structural design to meet metrological requirements. The measuring device’s functionality and the individual structural components are described, as is the methodology for creating a complete product. The paper addresses the crucial issue of measurement uncertainty and the required accuracy, achieved through the construction of a special measuring arm made of carbon material. FEM analyses of the carbon arm are presented and compared with the required metrological accuracies. In addition, we discuss the different properties of various carbon structures in Pre-preg materials used in the construction of the measuring arm and present the results of measurements on such carbon materials. This paper provides a comprehensive insight into the design and construction of metrological equipment for torque sensors, with a focus on its compliance with metrological requirements. The proposed device aims to establish the foundations for primary metrology of torque in Slovakia and has potential applications in a wide range of industries.


