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Discovering the evolution of online reviews: A bibliometric review
Electronic Markets ( IF 6.017 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s12525-023-00667-y
Yucheng Zhang , Zhiling Wang , Lin Xiao , Lijun Wang , Pei Huang

As a rapidly developing topic, online reviews have aroused great interest among researchers. Although the existing research can help to explain issues related to online reviews, the scattered and diversified nature of previous research hinders an overall understanding of this area. Based on bibliometrics, this study analyzes 3089 primary articles and 100,783 secondary articles published between 2003 and 2022. We comprehensively and objectively describe the development status of online reviews, show the evolutionary process of the knowledge structure of online reviews, and suggest research directions based on the analysis results. This article validates and expands previous literature reviews, helps scholars understand relevant knowledge about online reviews, and contributes to the development of online reviews.



