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Oscillatory boundary layer flow of a Maxwell fluid over a wavy wall
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2023.105125
Sergio Cuevas , J. Carlos Domínguez-Lozoya , Leonardo Córdova-Castillo

We analyse the oscillatory flow with a zero-mean of a viscoelastic incompressible fluid over a wavy wall. Using the Maxwell model of viscoelasticity, the problem is transformed into a boundary layer flow by assuming that the amplitude of fluid oscillation as well as the Stokes layer thickness are very small compared with the wavelength of the wall. Analytical solutions are obtained with a perturbation method taking the ratio of the amplitude of fluid oscillation as a small parameter. The first order solution corresponds to the Stokes’ second problem for a Maxwell fluid, with the penetration depth and the wavelength of the oscillation motion modified by the Deborah number that characterizes the viscoelastic behavior. Further, the phase lag introduced by viscoelastic effects between the streamwise velocity component and driving pressure gradient is described by a parametric equation of an ellipse. At second order, non-linear Reynolds stresses in the unsteady boundary layer originate a steady streaming flow that leads to upper and lower steady regions of recirculation. As the Deborah number grows, the lower steady recirculations disappear while the magnitude of the steady tangential axial velocity increases which can positively affect mixing processes. A generalization of the Rayleigh’s law of streaming to the viscoelastic case is obtained and the thickness of the outer layer and the steady tangential velocity are estimated.



